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Best Mother's Day Gifts

When it comes to picking the perfect Mother's Day gift, there are many options out there. Some are practical, some are pretty, and some are just plain fun. However, no matter what you choose to give Mom this year, it's important that it's something she'll truly appreciate.

So, we've rounded up the best gifts our customers are loving for this Mother's Day, so you can make sure your present is exactly what she wants and needs. One-of-a-Kind Items That Are Handcrafted.

While there are plenty of store-bought Mother's Day gifts out there, it's much more thoughtful to give Mom a gift she can't get anywhere else. This includes hand-crafted jewelry, home décor and accessories. A gift she can't get anywhere else makes her feel more special, and it shows that you took the time to find something unique and personal. For example, if Mom is an avid gardener, she'll love a new Koa Plant Stand to display her finest potted fronds. Koa Gifts are Always Loved.

Another option is hand-crafted Koa wood watches and Koa jewelry, made from the prized wood of Hawaii. The Hawaii craftsmen of Martin & MacArthur create innovative gift ideas including Koa rings and Koa Clutch handbags sure to please. The ultimate splurge for that special mom who rocks your world is a Koa Rocking Chair.

There is a resurgence of quality, hand-crafted rocking chairs for moms -- and dads -- of all ages. Personalized Framed Photo Will Last Forever Personalized table top and wall art are perfect to showcase your close relationship with mom. Whether she's a big fan of gardening, reading or hanging out with her friends, you can create a photo gallery of mom's favorite pics to remind her of cherished memories. Koa wood frames are the sustainable option over and above plastic or metal frames which do nothing for the environment.

Crafted in Hawaii Buying items made in Hawaii has a special mystique, so if you're looking for a gift she can't get anywhere but her own hometown, this is the way to go. Handmade Koa bangles, clocks and charcuterie boards are contemporary , gift ideas that are both environmentally friendly and sustainable. Remember, the best gift for mom is you.