Land of Dreams 20" x 16" by Sibet Alspaugh

Land of Dreams 20" x 16" by Sibet Alspaugh


Regular price $995.00 Sale

Sibet Alspaugh first moved to Lahaina in 1987 and witnessed many of the changes the island has seen over the years. But the magic and inspiration unique to Maui endures.  Sibet has always been fascinated with the natural beauty of a horizon, featuring it prominently in her atmospheric expressionist paintings. Sibet paints mainly from memory and emotion, capturing the energy and passion of a given moment and allowing the final painting to be a joyful and sometimes cathartic surprise.

The flow of energy and emotion provides constant inspiration, challenge and creative connection. Using mainly acrylics, Sibet enjoys the flow and freedom of that medium and its ability to change easily, often seeing a painting being reborn and reinvented before her eyes prior to completion.

Sibet is a first generation American born of German and Hungarian parents. Born in Southern California and spending the last 30 years in Maui, Sibet has always loved the beauty of the seashore.

Sibet holds an M.A. from the University of San Diego. In addition to being a  professional artist, She is also a licensed Family Therapist and Reiki  practitioner.


Land of Dreams 20 x 16



