Koa Watches Creating a Buzz among Millennials

Just when you thought the wrist watch was dead, the latest must-have item for Generation Y is an eco-friendly Koa watch, made with wood grown only in Hawaii.

At last count, there were only 27 people in the world who do not carry a mobile phone. I heard that Apple gives an iPhone to newborns in the delivery room.   Kids learn to tell time by clicking an on-off switch.

Koa Watches Creating a Buzz among Millennials

The big, chunky watches are so yesterday.  After all, who wants to wear a watch the size of a Ritz cracker!  However, in the past year, young people from Tokyo to Tuscany are now seen wearing exotic wood watches.  Wood watches were introduced only in the past few years.  Prior to that, the technology for cutting and sanding solid wood into tiny watch links was not available.  https://www.martinandmacarthur.com/personal-accessories/koa-wood-watches/men-s-wood-watches

Millennials are both style-conscious and environmentally-aware.  These green-minded 20-45 year olds proudly wear watches that are made with sustainable woods such as Koasandalwood and bamboo.  Wood watches are perfect for those allergic to metals.  

The finest wood watches are made from Koa, the beautiful wood of Hawaii known for its varied color and swirling grain patterns.  The best Koa watches are made with solid Koa wood, not veneer.  Warning, don’t get fooled by metal watches with Koa veneers.  Metal watches are cheap imitators of the real thing. 

Today, customers are yearning for something genuine – something authentic.  The solid Koa wood watch by Martin & MacArthur is the best you can get.